07838 170203

കർക്കിടക വാവ് ബലി - 2024 കെന്റ് അയ്യപ്പ ക്ഷേത്രം

Karkkadaka Vavu Bali 2024 at Kent Ayyappa Temple

Karkidaka Vavu Bali – 2024 at Kent Ayyappa Temple

Swami Saranam

‘Karkidaka Vavu Bali’ is the name for the rituals performed by the Hindus in the Indian state of Kerala for their deceased ancestors and is held in the month of ‘Karkidakam’ in the Malayalam calendar. The pitru pooja offerings are generally limited to the three previous generations and to all guiding forces.

Karkidaka Vavu Bali
Date: Saturday, 3rd August 2024
Time: 11:30 A.M. to 03:00 P.M.

Venue: Scouts Hall, Castlemaine Avenue, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2QL.

If you wish to participate, please pre-register for the event to attend. Registration closes at midnight Friday, 30/07/2024. Your registration would help us to make the necessary arrangements for the participants performing the Bali Tharpanam . We cannot accommodate walk-ins on the day of the ceremony as Pooja material are limited and based on the number of pre-registrations.

Please fill in this form, if you would like to perform Bali Tharpanam: https://forms.gle/hWBFsPQq6zBkrrHD8

For further information:
Email: kentayyappatemple@gmail.com
Tel: 07838170203 / 07478728555 / 07985245890