Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam 2024
Swami Saranam!
അമ്മേ ശരണം ദേവി ശരണം
The Pongala Mahotsavam, the most significant festival of the Attukal Bhagavathy Temple, is a cherished tradition involving the offering of Pongala, a special temple practice predominantly observed in the southern part of Kerala. Devotees who wish to take part in the revered Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam, organised by the Kent Hindu Samajam & Kent Ayyappa Temple, are warmly welcomed to join.
The event will be held at the Scouts Hall on Castlemaine Avenue in Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2QE.

To register for the Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam, kindly send your registration via email to before Tuesday, February 20th, 2024. Detailed schedules of the pooja ceremonies are provided below.
For confirmed registrants, if you are unable to attend the event, please notify us no later than Tuesday, February 20th, 2024. This will enable us to accommodate other devotees from the waiting list, as our available slots are limited.
Event Date: Sunday, 25th February 2024
Temple Pooja Ceremonies / Pooja Times / Schedule:
7:30 am – Temple Opening / Opening of Sanctum, Sanctorum (നട തുറക്കൽ)
8:00 am – Nirmalya Darsanam (നിർമാല്യദർശനം)
8:30 am – Ganapathi Homam (ഗണപതി ഹോമം)
9:00 am – Usha Pooja (ഉഷ:പൂജ)
The venue for the Pongala Mahotsavam is the Scouts Hall, located at Castlemaine Avenue in Gillingham, Kent, with the postal code ME7 2QE.
10:30 am – Lighting of the Pongala Hearths (പൊങ്കാല അടുപ്പിലേക്ക് അഗ്നി പകരൽ)
2:00 pm – Ucha Pooja (ഉച്ചപൂജ)
2:30 pm – Sanctification of Pongala (പൊങ്കാല നൈവേദ്യം)
2:45 pm – Annadhanam (അന്നദാനം)
Participation in the Attukal Pongala ritual is exclusively reserved for women. Rest assured, all necessary items for the Pongala, including the sacred Stainless Steel Pongal Pot will be provided by the Kent Ayyappa Temple Trust to each participating Bhagavathy Devotee at the venue. However, devotees are kindly requested to bring their own Nilavilakku (Oil Lamp).
To cover the expenses associated with the Attukal Pongala Mahotsavam / Pooja, we kindly request a voluntary donation of £35 to £50 per booked slot/person/devotee.
Below are the bank details for making donations towards the Pongala Mahotsavam:
Our Bank A/C details:
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account Number: 32167004
Kindly note that the management committee reserves the right to make necessary changes to the event schedule if required. Additionally, for the safety of all attendees, parents/carers are urged to supervise their children throughout the event.
For further enquiries or information regarding the Kent Ayyappa Temple and its activities, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or visit our websites and social media platforms.
Please note:
In addition to the growing number of Ayyappa devotees across the UK, the Kent Ayyappa Temple, which was initially located at the Medway Hindu Mandir, underwent temporary relocation to a new site in November 2023. Plans are underway for the construction of a new temple complex dedicated to Lord Ayyappa in Medway Towns, Gillingham, Kent.
This temporary relocation of the Kent Ayyappa Temple aims to facilitate daily worship activities, providing interim facilities for Lord Ayyappa devotees until a permanent location is established. Poojas at the temple are conducted under the guidance of the priest Sri Abhijit, and we extend a warm welcome to all individuals, regardless of caste, religion, colour, or language.
Due to space constraints at the current location on Canterbury Street, Gillingham (relocated from Medway Hindu Mandir), there are limitations on worship. However, since you have successfully registered, please inform us if you require information on the temple’s location for attendance or worship.
For further enquiries, please feel free to contact the Kent Ayyappa Temple via email at or Additional details can be found on the websites: /, as well as on our social media platforms: /
You can also reach us via phone at any of the following numbers: 07838170203, 07478728555, 07507766652, 07985245890, 07747178476, 07973151975, 07906130390, 07753188671.
We deeply appreciate your continued support, understanding, and cooperation. May Lord Ayyappa shower abundant blessings upon you and your family!
അമ്മേ ശരണം ദേവി ശരണം
Swami Saranam
Kent Hindu Samajam & Kent Ayyappa Temple Trust
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